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Caring for your Loved One
Caring for the Caregiver

GPS Vehicle Tracker

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Keeps your loved one safer; quickly learn your vehicle's location and location history with mobile phone app
Saves the family caregiver time and money: battery lasts for up to two years with no charging
Reduces caregiver stress: easy and flexible to use, easy to conceal inside vehicle, no mobile phone inside vehicle needed

Wearable Proximity Monitor

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Keeps the care recipient safer; brings peace of mind to family caregiver
Frees the family caregiver to tend to household tasks, while caring for loved one
Allows loved one to do daily activities; no impact or restrictions
I haven’t seen anything else like this. The Alerta Patch and Wedge makes a lot of sense for caregivers who are at home with their loved ones living with dementia. It’s impossible to keep an eye on someone 24/7. So, it’s crucial that a care partner knows if their loved one leaves the house or goes to an unsafe area, like the top of the basement stairs.
- Rachael Wonderlin Founder, Dementia By Day

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